Personal information

BOURASSA BOYER does not collect personal information on its website, unless a user consents to same. In certain circumstances, such as when filling your personal tax return questionnaire , BOURASSA BOYER will require that users complete an online form with their name, address, email address and certain other personal information.

At all times, users will be explicitly advised and made aware of how your information will be used: distribution of printed or electronic direct mailing, reply to information requests or subscriptions to electronic newsletters. From time to time, BOURASSA BOYER may ask if you are interested in receiving information related to other services or news. You will always have the choice to decline such a request or cancel the subscription to a previously-selected customized service.

To learn more about how we use these and your choices in relation to these tracking technologies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

Unless specifically stated otherwise, we do not sell, rent, exchange or otherwise share any personal information with a third-party. All personal information collected and owned is protected under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Phone                     450-424-7000


Test : Ceci est un avertissement en front-end.